Reham Khan Degree is Fake Claimed by Daily Mail

Reham Khan Degree is Fake Claimed by Daily Mail

The news from the UK media is that Pakistani lady Reham khan wife of Imran khan Chairman Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf Degree has been found Fake as she had claimed that she have postgraduate degree from Lindsey College in Broadcas Journalism and The college which Reham khan claimed that is expose that No Lady with the name of Reham khan has been registered in Lindsey College and Reham khan is claiming there collge name is not Justified.
The Degree of Reham khan Cliamed by daily mail is that the degree is fake and the Lindsey college did not offer that course which reham khan is claiming.This news has been break in the famous british news paperdaily mail.This news paper already break the news of Reham khan scandal with Imran khan marriage and after denying the news comes true that Reham is really marrying imran khan.
Now again the same news paper claims the fake degree scandal of reham khan and no resposne yet from reham khan about her fake degree scandal.
Reham khan has tell a lie to Imran khan as well about her degree that she had done a broadcasting degree as now the college expose the Reham khan fake degree scandal.
You can also find that Picture in which Reham khan claiming that she had done broacast Journalism from Lindsey College and Lindsey college claims that They did not offer this course and reham khan is wrong and claiming fake dgree.
No PTI official has respond on the Fake degree scandal neither the Reham khan or his channel Dawn news responds on the fake degree scandal of reham khan yet.Only a PTI female leader Naaz Rabbani have repsond that This news is Fake and Reham khan have done job in BBC how is it possible that BBC offered Job to reham khan on her Fake degree she said there is some confusion about the news by daily mail tem and need to verify.
Reham khan had update this data about her first job and Lindsey College in her official website.

Reham Khan Degree is Fake in lindsey college
Reham Khan Degree is Fake in lindsey college
Watch in the picture that reham kan updated her Info in that data which has been challenged that reham khan claiming Fake Degree.
Reham khan degree is Fake
Reham khan degree is Fake
Reham Khan Degree is Fake Claimed by Daily Mail
Reham khan Fake Degree Scandal
Reham khan Fake Degree Scandal

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